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England Squash membership – toolkit for counties

Graphics and messaging to help you spread the word about the upcoming changes to membership

England Squash membership is changing in August! To support counties in communicating this exciting change to clubs and players in your region, we've put together the following messages and graphics for you to use across your communication channels.


Copy and paste this wording for your channels:

Longer message for your website and emails

England Squash Membership is changing

England Squash Membership is changing on 19 August to better connect clubs, coaches and players and unite the squash community.

The new scheme will provide a flexible and accessible gateway to squash that will support the game to thrive, allow more people to discover the game of their lives and enable more people to feel part of a unique community.

So what's changing?

From 19th August, England Squash club affiliation and membership will change to a direct model.

What this means for clubs

Affiliated clubs will just pay court fees at £75 per court (capped at six courts) and still get access to great value money-saving benefits and discounts including:

  • £10 million insurance for your club
  • club team entry into county leagues and other local and national competitions
What this means for players

All current members of an England Squash affiliated club will need to join England Squash directly and choose from five player membership categories that offer unbeatable value including discounts of up to 70% off SQUASHTV.

Where your money goes

Every penny of membership income is reinvested back into the sport helping to grow the game you love – from helping support clubs to deliver more ground-breaking programmes like Mixed Ability Squash to delivering 100+ competitive opportunities for your juniors every year.

Please note, for any player wishing to compete in our county competitions and leagues, we will be mandating them to purchase the new Just Play / Play Plus (DELETE MEMBERSHIP TYPE AS APPROPRIATE) player membership.

As your county association, we receive 20% of all England Squash membership and affiliation income which is hugely important to us as it enables us to support the game locally and create more opportunities for people to play.

We encourage all clubs to fully support the new membership scheme at all levels and encourage all players to renew their membership and access the great value discounts and benefits.

Find out more

The new England Squash membership is the most comprehensive way to compete, play, support and explore the game of squash - find out how it will benefit your club and your players at

Shorter message for social media and WhatsApp

England Squash Membership is changing in August to better connect clubs, coaches and players, and unite the squash community,

The new scheme will provide a flexible and accessible gateway to squash that will support the game to thrive and help more people to discover the game of their lives.

From 19th August, England Squash club affiliation and membership will change to a direct model which means clubs will just pay court fees and players will buy membership directly through England Squash.

Find out how it will benefit your club and your players at

Download graphics

Click on each thumbnail to download: