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Competitions calendar

Two Boys Shaking Hands After A Squash Match

View our calendar across all England Squash sanctioned competitions from juniors to seniors (dates and competitions may be subject to change):

View 2024-2025 calendar

View 2025-2026 calendar

Silver, Gold, and Platinum venues for 24/25 season
Silver 113-15 September 2024Doncaster
Silver 211-13 October 2024Chichester
British Junior Championships31 October-3 November 2024Sheffield
Gold 16-8 December 2024Manchester
British Junior Open2-6 January 2025Birmingham
Silver 324-26 January 2025Gloucester
English Junior Championships7-9 February 2025Nottingham
Gold 27-9 March 2025Surrey
Silver 44-6 April 2025Birmingham
Silver 516-18 May 2025Lincoln
Gold 320-22 June 2025Pontefract
Silver, Gold, and Platinum venues for 25/26 season
Silver 120th & 21st September 2025TBC
Gold 126th to 28th September 2025TBC
British Junior Championships30th October to 2nd November 2025Sheffield
Gold 221st to 23rd November 2025TBC
Silver 229th and 30th November 2025TBC
Gold 312th to 14th December 2025TBC
British Junior Open
2nd to 6th January 2026Birmingham
Silver 324th & 25th January 2026TBC
English Junior Championships7th & 8th February 2026TBC
Silver 428th February and 1st March 2026TBC
Gold 46th to 8th February 2026TBC
Silver 525th and 26th April 2026TBC
Silver 616th and 17th May 2026TBC

*All dates are provisional and England Squash reserves the right to make changes to the calendar at any time.

**N.B. additional dates for performance squads will be added to the calendar in the coming weeks