Applications and Endorsements International Competitions

Players wishing to participate in competitions outside of England and the UK may require endorsement from England Squash by the respective National Governing Body (NGB). This endorsement is to confirm players are English, will represent England Squash, and to verify any code of conduct points a player.
In order to qualify for an endorsement players must have:
- A paid and active England Squash Membership
- Competed in at least 1 England Squash Sanctioned competition within the last 12 months
Apply here for an endorsement from England Squash
You will need to provide:
- Player ES number
- Competition details (ie Dutch Junior Open 23)
- Competition date
- Competition entry closing date
- Tournament Organisers contact details
All applications will be reviewed near to the competition closing date.
A copy of the endorsement will be sent to the Tournament Organiser and a copy to the player.
If you have any questions about Endorsements please email