Our Values
How we see ourselves and wish to be seen by others.
Relevant and responsive
We will support and grow the game to encourage and engage with everyone; irrespective of social background, ethnicity, ability or gender.
We will focus on understanding our players, our partners and everyone associated with squash by communicating effectively; in what we say, how we say it and how we listen.

Passion with purpose
We will seek to inspire and be inspired by the game whilst ensuring that we focus all our efforts on delivering our strategy.
We will be champions for squash and for our organisation whilst maintaining our self-awareness to stay on top of our game.
We will stay grounded with humour and be aspirational without limit; using our head and heart.

Innovative and informed
We will constantly push ourselves to provide creative solutions to our challenges - building on all available insight.
We will celebrate and respect our game’s rich heritage but never allow that to compromise our delivery of squash in new ways and to new audiences and players.
We will always challenge ourselves and others in the best interests of the game.

Uniting the squash community
We will work together as a team, sharing our collective skills and experience to deliver our strategy and to work for the benefit of the squash community.
We will bring together partners from across the game and beyond to sustain a vibrant squash community, to embrace equality, diversity and inclusion and to respond to the Climate and Ecological Crisis.
We will help those within the squash community at home and abroad to support each other, to learn from each other and to celebrate and build on each other’s successes.