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Increased support and diversity at the heart of new coaching education pathway

England Squash are moving forward with exciting plans to redevelop their coaching education pathway. These significant changes will better support coaches in their diverse working environments and maximise their progression as a coach, whatever path they choose.

The new pathway will deliver a broader range of content and provide more development opportunities for coaches to upskill themselves at every level, and support them to grow and learn. The new coach development courses aims to better meet the needs of all coaches, who are vital to keeping clubs thriving and introducing new people to the game.

This enhanced approach will introduce bite-sized learning modules, enabling coaches to develop skills tailored to their specific goals without the need for formal, high-level courses. Alongside this, a more user-friendly e-learning platform will make ongoing development more accessible and relevant to coaches’ day-to-day needs.

While the coaching pathway is being transformed, from November, the Level 1 course will adopt a hybrid model, with a one-off four-hour workshop running alongside online modules to give participants the opportunity to learn in a practical environment and connect with tutors and fellow coaches.

For the Level 2, two practical days will bookend the course instead of being held consecutively to allow coaches to practise what they’ve learned and get feedback.

Hannah Ridgard-Mason, People and Education Manager at England Squash, said:

“We understand that each person and environment has unique needs. It’s not one size fits all.

“These changes will give coaches the flexibility to choose what works best for them, instead of being prescribed a set pathway for how they progress and gain recognition as better coaches.

“The content will be more diverse and flexible to better suit the different needs of coaches in different communities. There are people in schools, leisure centres, big clubs, small clubs with different aims and objectives. By allowing coaches to tailor their journey, we aim to service all of them, rather than trying to put them into one box.

This pathway will give people the tools to deliver squash in their environment and if we can get a bigger breadth of coaches from diverse and under-represented groups, they can take squash into their communities, which they know best. Coaches are at the heart of the squash community and we value them at every level. They are the way we will get more players into the game.”

She added:

“Often, you do a qualification and there’s a lack of support afterwards. We want to change this with more continuing professional development and opportunities to connect with England Squash and other coaches, so everyone can continue to learn, grow and feel supported.
“That's why we'll also be bringing in more in-person workshops. We want to make sure everyone has the confidence and tools to deliver sessions as well as having the opportunity to ask questions. Coaching is delivered in front of people, so we need to practise that.”

England Squash coach, Tania Bailey, added:

I’m so excited about the new-look coaching pathway. We want to give everyone who passes our courses continued support and help them develop further. There will be many opportunities to gain new knowledge and upskill, no matter what level you coach at or where your coaching journey takes you.”

The new pathway is scheduled to launch in summer 2025. In the meantime, Level 1 and 2 courses will pilot some of the new practical elements, with the first hybrid Level 1 course taking place at Pontefract Squash Club on 21 November.

Anyone who has completed the Level 1 course since January 2023 will have the opportunity to attend the new practical sessions for free.

England Squash will be gathering feedback from coaches during pilot courses and upcoming workshops to ensure the content is not only high quality but also meets the diverse needs of those we support.

We'll be sharing regular updates with the community on the coaching pathway developments - please keep an eye on our socials and newsletter.