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Volunteers have always played a vital part in the sports and physical activity sector. Without them, most community sport and physical activity simply wouldn’t happen. England Squash and its member clubs recognise the importance that this group play in making squash happen; that's why we've set up this dedicated page to help you get all the information you need to grow your volunteer infrastructure at your club!

Volunteers' Week

It just so happens that National Volunteers' Week coincides with our push for volunteers as part of the Get Games Ready programme. From 1-7 June, we'll support you to grow your volunteer network and also celebrate the efforts of your volunteers in the build up to the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games.

Volunteers’ Week is supported and celebrated by small grassroots organisations as well as larger, household-name charities, who together run hundreds of activities across the UK. These activities showcase and celebrate volunteers and the contribution volunteering makes in our communities.


Have a look at some of the key resources below to help support your club and grow your volunteer network.

Writing a volunteer strategy

It's important that involving volunteers supports your clubs's mission and aims. A volunteer strategy shows your club is serious about volunteering. It helps everyone understand your vision for volunteers and why you're involving them. Have a look at the guidance about creating a volunteer strategy here.

Equality, diversity and inclusion in volunteering

Everyone should be able to make a difference through volunteering. Whatever their background, your club should treat its volunteers with equity and fairness. It should also help them see how equity, diversity and inclusion relates to their role. Read more about how you can support this work in your club through volunteering here.

Safeguarding and volunteering

Taking a safeguarding approach to volunteering will help your organisation keep people safe. It creates a culture where everyone understands their right to be safe. Your volunteers should see safeguarding as a way of working every day. They should understand why it’s important to keep everyone safe, including themselves. FInd out more about safegaurding and volunteering here.

Keeping your volunteers engaged

The best way to keep volunteers is to make sure what they do meets their motivation for giving their time. Each volunteer will have different reasons for volunteering. Be flexible and open to meeting your volunteers’ needs where possible, but be clear if a role will not be a good match. Read more about volunteers and their motivations here.