Carol's story

"I found out about the Squash Girls Can sessions through an internal email from Serco who manage the National Sports Centre where my office is based. I decided I would give it a go as I was playing at lunch times with a male Colleague, neither of us knowing the rules or anything much about the game, and thought it would be a good way to fit some more exercise into my week. I’d tried Squash 57 previously and knew very little about squash. I didn’t realise how addictive it would be! I feel great when I come off court and so energised – but also shattered! I’ve learnt the skills that I need to play a game now and have even started to pick up some tactics. Most importantly for me the sessions have given me confidence. I’ve already recommended Squash Girls Can to my colleague who signed up for the next course – we play whenever we can at lunch times.”
Start your own Squash Girls Can story by finding a session near you here.