Junior squash

Looking for a sport that’ll boost your child’s confidence whilst improving fitness and co-ordination? Squash and Squash 57 is a great choice. While both sports offer a great cardio workout, most kids won’t notice while they’re having fun hitting a ball around the court and enjoying themselves. It’s an all-year-round indoor sport too, so a great alternative to muddy pitches and cold mornings on the sidelines.
"Squash is phenomenal, it's really fun and I enjoy it because you learn things every week" - Soni, Hanover Primary School
Get started
There are hundreds of leisure centres and clubs nationwide offering junior squash sessions and coaching programmes led by qualified England Squash coaches. Use our finder to locate your nearest club.
Find a coach
As children develop their skills, a coach can help them take their game to the next level. Find a qualified coach near you with our coach finder.
Young Leader's Award
Looking to develop your child's squash leaderships skills? Find out more about the Young Leaders Award here.
Junior resources for coaches
Junior 101
Junior 101 is a new digital coaching resource packed full of fun activities designed to engage and develop children as young as five. Coaches can simply pick an activity from each section to create your Junior 101 session. The activity cards are available to all England Squash affiliated clubs and coach members.
Junior Progress Awards
The Junior Progress Awards from Off The Wall Squash are a great way for coaches, clubs and young players to track improvements and highlight individual areas of strength – kids will love collecting the certificates and wrist bands too. They are designed to add value to your existing junior squash activities by providing 6 levels of progress levels for young people to work towards.
Schools Squash Leaders Award
Perfect for teachers or level 2 sport coaches (in squash or other sports) this three-hour course showcases our flagship junior programme, Junior 101. The course provides candidates with the content to deliver in schools, clubs and community setting to groups of young people as part of a schools development programme. To express your interest, get in touch with the coaching team: coaching@englandsquash.com.