Squash for schools
Squash is an exciting and physical sport that develops movement skills, improves speed and agility whilst building social skills such as working co-operatively and showing good sportsmanship.
"Squash is phenomenal, it is really fun and I enjoy it because you learn things every week" - Soni, Hanover Primary School
Schools are extremely important to the development of squash and igniting a lifelong involvement in the sport. There are a number of ways that squash can be introduced to school children:
Squash in your school
Squash can be delivered in any setting at any time of the year. We can train your staff to deliver squash at your school or put you in touch with your local squash club or county association who can deliver it for you.
Schools Squash Leaders Award
Perfect for teachers or level 2 sport coaches (in squash or other sports) who want to develop a squash programme aimed at young people. Find out more about the course here.
National Schools Championships
The National Schools Championships is a season long competition that gives all schools a chance to compete against each other. The event is open to all schools and all standards with four categories: Boys Under 19, Girls Under 19, boys under 15 and girls under 15.
Find out more about eligibility and format on our National Schools Championships page.
School Games
The School Games is a great opportunity to encourage primary and secondary pupils to take part in competitive school sport, regardless of ability or background.
We're now part of the School Games and have created accessible squash formats to encourage all children to participate, including those with disabilities.
To find out more and to register your school, visit yourschoolgames.com.