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Get Started with Squash from the Mosque

Looking to deliver something new and diversify your club's participants? Then Squash from the Mosque is the perfect programme for you!

This online course will provide you with the background on how Squash from the Mosque started, the success the programme has had so far, along with some advice on how to start the programme at your club/venue.

Squash From the Mosque is a bespoke programme for all ages that aims to break down the barriers faced by the South Asian and Muslim community when accessing sport. The programme was launched in 2022 by Calder Community Squash and has been designed to help and support clubs to attract new and diverse audiences.

This course will provide you with an insight into why the programme was created and how it has already made an impact in Greater Manchester and Yorkshire, with over 250 participants taking part in sessions. It will also provide some tips on how you can create a great working partnership and collaboration with a local mosque close to your club/venue

To run Mixed Ability sessions, you will need to hold an England Squash level 1 coaching qualification and must have completed this course. Additionally, a valid England Squash DBS and Safeguarding qualification is required.

How do I book the course?
Log in to your England Squash account or sign up for a new account. Within three working days you'll be enrolled onto the course and emailed all the information you need to log in and undertake the course modules.

How will I learn?

This course takes around one hour to complete and is delivered completely online enabling you to:

  • learn at your own pace
  • access the course whenever and wherever you are
  • get help and support every step of the way from our experienced coaching team.

What you'll learn

Pre-course requirements

Cost & funding support

What you'll learn

During the course you will:

  • Understand the Squash from the Mosque programme and what we want to achieve.
  • Develop an understanding of how Squash from the Mosque can benefit your club.
  • Learn how to build and maintain relationships with local Mosques and community leaders. Understand the importance of this relationship and building trust.
  • Understand culturally appropriate terminology (a section on correct language such as BAME, South Asian etc).
  • Understand why inclusion is important.
  • Feel confident in making your programme a sustainable offer within the club.

It shouldn’t take you long to complete the course but you can take it at your own pace. Following the course you can start to plan and deliver your sessions.

Pre-course requirements

The lead coach for the sessions must hold an England Squash level 1 coaching qualification and hold a valid DBS and safeguarding certificate.

Cost & funding support

This course is free of charge to complete, once you have enrolled on the course you will be uploaded to the online learning system within 3 working days.

Course Details

  • Level: n/a

  • Price: £0.00

  • Delivery Mode: Online

  • Membership required: No

Selected Date

Age Group(s)
  • Male: Open Age (Adult)

  • Female: Open Age (Adult)

Closing date: Ongoing
Price: £0.00

You must be logged in before you can book this course.

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