Volunteer induction checklist
Giving new volunteers an induction can help them understand the way the club works including its vision and goals, and understand their role and responsibilities. It doesn't need to be too complicated, but an induction process can help new volunteers feel welcome. Below are some ideas for an induction checklist which can be adapted to suit your venues needs.
The club
- Club vision, values and strategy / development plan
- Club size, opening times, activities
- Club background, and history
- Club people, list of key contacts and personal introductions
- Dates of meetings or upcoming social events
- Financial procedures if relevant
- A tour of the club
Club policies and procedures
- Governing documents and club rules
- Codes of Conduct
- Health and Safety including fire evacuation and emergency procedures
- Insurance
- Safeguarding and Welfare
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Confidentiality
- Expenses
Their role
- What do they want to gain from their volunteering experiences?
- What will their role involve, and what are their responsibilities?
- Time commitments
- What skills, experiences or qualifications do they have?
- What training opportunities are they interested in?
- Their main point of contact for questions, problems or advice.