Top tips for writing a bid to receive Sport England funding

The Sport England Small Grants Programme aims to support projects that bring communities together and provide sport and physical activities for people who may be less physically active.
Before you get started, have a quick read of Sport England's strategy to understand what they're hoping to achieve and where your project might align with their values.
Here are some top tips for putting your bid together:
1. Think about the group / community who would benefit from the funding, e.g. a faith group, community group, people from lower-socio economic groups.
- The application needs to demonstrate how the funding benefits the community you're trying to engage.
- The application can come from that community if they are eligible to apply, or if the club/venue is applying, make sure you clearly demonstrate the community need.
2. Show how you are collaborating with this community, and how the project is designed by the people/community taking part.
- Quotes from partners you are working with and evidence that the people taking part have help shaped the project are really important.
3. Think about the output, how will the funding help this community become active?
- Demonstrate how your project will help remove the barriers the community face to participation in sport and physical activity.
4. Ensure the activity the funding goes towards is beginner friendly and accessible.
- Squash 57 is a great beginner friendly activity for all.
- Consider taking squash to the community you are looking to engage with pop up courts and rebound walls in community and faith centres.
5. Read the guidance and questions.
- Demonstrate in your application how you meet the application criteria.
- Focus on what is being asked, seek clarity if needed.
6. Begin with an executive summary.
- Start your application with a short summary of why you need the money.
7. Develop a clear budget.
- Explain how will you spend the budget if you are successful.
8. Demonstrate sustainability.
- How will the grant be long-lasting and have an impact on the people taking part?
- How will you ensure the activity continues?
Any questions?
If you have a question about funding, please contact