In an age of growing concerns over sporting participation among young people, one would be forgiven for assuming squash is a sport failing to engage many children in schools up and down the country.
But such a judgement is flawed. In fact, squash in schools is gathering pace in England, a development extended by England Squash’s National Schools Championships, which saw 184 school teams take part in 2018/19. And nowhere is this popularity of squash more apparent than at Lincoln Minster School, where it plays an integral role in the PE curriculum and represents the most successful sport among students.
“Squash is our most successful sport at Lincoln Minster - participation is phenomenal. All the clubs are over-subscribed and we have to monitor it quite closely as too many children want to play. It’s the only sport which has clubs on every day,” said Anna Gilbert, Head of PE at the school.
“Squash is now on the curriculum in our PE lessons. This also encourages the younger girls to play and now we really have quite a good girl’s team in years 7 and 8.”
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